Reliability Through Expertise

Delivering Superior High-Voltage Testing Solutions With Unmatched Support


Company in Advanced Technology Solutions

With a decade of expertise, Techno SinFin has established itself as a market leader in High-voltage technology. We proudly maintain a robust installed base of high-voltage testing equipment valued at over 50 million dollars across the United States and Latin America.

Techno SinFin
Techno SinFin

Our Expertise

Our team comprises over ten highly skilled high voltage engineers, each bringing exceptional knowledge and experience in critical fields such as:

  • Applied potential testing
  • Partial discharge measurement and analysis
  • Impulse testing
  • Transformer loss measurements
  • Capacitance and tangent delta
  • Shielded enclosures
  • Software development and automation

Our Locations

Our headquarters are in Houston, Texas, and our offices are in Connecticut, Mexico City, and Monterrey, Mexico.

Our Independence

At Techno SinFin, we pride ourselves on our independence from any specific brand or manufacturer. This autonomy allows us to source the optimal solutions tailored to your testing requirements. We also collaborate with leading manufacturers to produce equipment meeting our stringent standards, which we privately label under HV Test and offer at competitive prices.

Techno SinFin
Techno SinFin

Our Commitment

We are committed to providing:

  • The highest quality equipment
  • Immediate availability
  • Competitive pricing
  • Unmatched service
  • Superior technical capability

Connect With Us

Explore our website to learn more about our products and services and how we can assist with your high-voltage testing requirements. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and discover how we can help you achieve the highest level of testing accuracy and efficiency.